Practical experience shows that in politics as in any other sphere of public life the process of the interests' realizing is originally associated with human moral choice. Policy initially combines two different coordinate systems in the man's relations with the government: benefits and morality. And if the political consciousness makes a person evaluate events and actions in terms of harm or benefit, success or failure in achieving the goals, morality puts the same moral issues in the relations between Good and Evil.
6.Politics and science of politics should interact with each other. If the science is underestimated the policy becomes authoritarian. If science is not based on politics it becomes an abstraction. Recognition of science by policy is not harmless to society because it allows any social experiments to be made over people.
It leads to the growth of corruption, criminalization of government and in the end it turns policy into an instrument of hatred between different groups of people. Immoral policy is a direct expression and promotion of dictatorship, violence against a person.
The essential components of political art are:
- experience, skill in the realization of the opportunities of political action;
- the ability to catch the right way to feel the action;
- the ability to maneuver, to find the ways to compromise.
It is very difficult to sustain the necessary balance between the political and moral criteria. It is possible for people who have direct experience of political participation versatile with strong morals. Those who have not moral principles step over all the inherent limitations in using of funds to maintain and improve their domineering status.
6.Politics and science of politics should interact with each other. If the science is underestimated the policy becomes authoritarian. If science is not based on politics it becomes an abstraction. Recognition of science by policy is not harmless to society because it allows any social experiments to be made over people.
It leads to the growth of corruption, criminalization of government and in the end it turns policy into an instrument of hatred between different groups of people. Immoral policy is a direct expression and promotion of dictatorship, violence against a person.
The essential components of political art are:
- experience, skill in the realization of the opportunities of political action;
- the ability to catch the right way to feel the action;
- the ability to maneuver, to find the ways to compromise.
It is very difficult to sustain the necessary balance between the political and moral criteria. It is possible for people who have direct experience of political participation versatile with strong morals. Those who have not moral principles step over all the inherent limitations in using of funds to maintain and improve their domineering status.
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