In the Other America most people don't go to the airfield to fly away to a place enjoyable or a place needful of their presence.
In the Other America the general public are too poor to fly like that.
"I am too poor to do that or buy that," we are saying to ourselves, and each other, every day like it was just part of a daily litany of petty beefs. Yet there's so much truth concealed in that little protest of our lot-in-life.
" I am too poor."
In the Other America the general public are too poor to fly like that.
"I am too poor to do that or buy that," we are saying to ourselves, and each other, every day like it was just part of a daily litany of petty beefs. Yet there's so much truth concealed in that little protest of our lot-in-life.
" I am too poor."
Maybe hence but we are probably on that tightrope strung not really hopefully over the gapping maw of our growing debt. On misstep and it's into the depths.
The invisible poor of the Other America live in that abyss.
Who are we in these airfields going from here to there when the lives of the invisible poor are in the balance? The economy is in the imperial hands of the elite controllers of the wealth of nations.
Somebody needs to be brave enough or smart enough or feed up enough to claim," Enough!"
It's time to see the invisible poor as deserving of humanity. It is past time to stop nicking from them. Do we really not understand that we will all suffer because of the neglect and mistreatment that we have permitted to be visited on the least of these?
Where is your enlightened self interest my pal?
I need someone else to join my children in the struggle for the future. There is no conspiracy concept busy in the darkness. The rich have simply co-opted our ethics by leaving those whom they have taken their wealth. This burglary has been done in broad daylight.
It has been done with our passive approval while we have pretended to be middle-income and the honorable protectors of the poor.
About the Author:
The invisible poor of the Other America live in that abyss.
Who are we in these airfields going from here to there when the lives of the invisible poor are in the balance? The economy is in the imperial hands of the elite controllers of the wealth of nations.
Somebody needs to be brave enough or smart enough or feed up enough to claim," Enough!"
It's time to see the invisible poor as deserving of humanity. It is past time to stop nicking from them. Do we really not understand that we will all suffer because of the neglect and mistreatment that we have permitted to be visited on the least of these?
Where is your enlightened self interest my pal?
I need someone else to join my children in the struggle for the future. There is no conspiracy concept busy in the darkness. The rich have simply co-opted our ethics by leaving those whom they have taken their wealth. This burglary has been done in broad daylight.
It has been done with our passive approval while we have pretended to be middle-income and the honorable protectors of the poor.
About the Author:
It's time to see the invisible poor as deserving of humanity. It is past time to stop nicking from them. Do we really not understand that we will all suffer because of the neglect and mistreatment that we have permitted to be visited on the least of these?
Where is your enlightened self interest my pal?
I need someone else to join my children in the struggle for the future. There is no conspiracy concept busy in the darkness. The rich have simply co-opted our ethics by leaving those whom they have taken their wealth. This burglary has been done in broad daylight.
It has been done with our passive approval while we have pretended to be middle-income and the honorable protectors of the poor.
About the Author:
Where is your enlightened self interest my pal?
I need someone else to join my children in the struggle for the future. There is no conspiracy concept busy in the darkness. The rich have simply co-opted our ethics by leaving those whom they have taken their wealth. This burglary has been done in broad daylight.
It has been done with our passive approval while we have pretended to be middle-income and the honorable protectors of the poor.
About the Author:
Michael Harrington fights each day for people without privledge and those in need. Check out The Culture Zone for more in-depth information on the Other America.