There are some rather bizarre 911 conspiracy theories circulating. Some of them suggest the happenings on that day were a prelude to apocalypse while others have suggested it was the act of extra terrestrials whose mission is to colonize this planet.
September 11th 2001 is regularly referred to as nine eleven or 911. On that day in history America experience a terrorist attack of epic proportions. Hijackers used two commercial airliners as missiles and flew them into the World Trade Centre in New York. They used another to fly into the Pentagon. 2000 Americans were killed in the attack. There were citizens of other countries too including 63 British nationals. The hijackers themselves were also killed along with the passengers on the planes they had taken over.
The event has been described at the worse acts of terrorism every to be carried out on American soil. The scenes that erupted that day are very dramatic even when footage is reviewed 10 years later. It really does play out like the scenes of a disaster movie.
The first thing the cameras pick up on is some low flying planes that look decidedly off course. Then there is the impact of the plane as it plunges into the tower causing an explosion of fire and great billowing clouds of smoke. People can be seen hurtling themselves out of window. There is footage shot from the interior of the building showing people escaping fire fighters working in a bid to organi
The event has been described at the worse acts of terrorism every to be carried out on American soil. The scenes that erupted that day are very dramatic even when footage is reviewed 10 years later. It really does play out like the scenes of a disaster movie.
The first thing the cameras pick up on is some low flying planes that look decidedly off course. Then there is the impact of the plane as it plunges into the tower causing an explosion of fire and great billowing clouds of smoke. People can be seen hurtling themselves out of window. There is footage shot from the interior of the building showing people escaping fire fighters working in a bid to organi
The first thing the cameras pick up on is some low flying planes that look decidedly off course. Then there is the impact of the plane as it plunges into the tower causing an explosion of fire and great billowing clouds of smoke. People can be seen hurtling themselves out of window. There is footage shot from the interior of the building showing people escaping fire fighters working in a bid to organize an evacuation.
However, not everyone believes the official stories released by the American government regarding what happened that day. There are theories that the US CIA and the Israeli MOSSAD were the culprits and not Al Qaeda or any other Islamic organization. Some people have argued that the buildings could not have fallen in the way they did as a result of the bombings. They must have been brought down by a controlled demolition.
911 conspiracy theories will continue to abound, such is the nature of human suspicion. However, some facts remain unaltered. The loss of innocent lives will forever haunt us as a tragic and unnecessary disaster.
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However, not everyone believes the official stories released by the American government regarding what happened that day. There are theories that the US CIA and the Israeli MOSSAD were the culprits and not Al Qaeda or any other Islamic organization. Some people have argued that the buildings could not have fallen in the way they did as a result of the bombings. They must have been brought down by a controlled demolition.
911 conspiracy theories will continue to abound, such is the nature of human suspicion. However, some facts remain unaltered. The loss of innocent lives will forever haunt us as a tragic and unnecessary disaster.
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We scoured every corner of the internet to find everything you ever wanted to know about controlled demolition theories. Here is the absolute best source we uncovered, The Conspiracy Archive.