I came upon a new product on the market on this subject: The originator had this to say:
"The U.S.A. And many western countries may be sitting on the edge of the worst food crisis in this century. It's all over the news: soils are degrading, crops are being scorched by waves of heat, and economic misjudgment is causing food prices to skyrocket all over the world. And when the food crisis strikes, statistics show that one out of four Americans will be suffering from hunger and malnutrition symptoms (weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, ulcers).
There is nothing more terrifying in this world than seeing your loved ones suffering right under your eyes... and feeling completely useless because there`s nothing you can do about it. The tragedy has already taken place in over 12 States of the U.S.A., where food shortages have left people with nothing to eat for days and even weeks. This year, the crisis started spreading all over the country and there`s no town will be spared... not even yours!"
Now I have to say this struck a chord with me and I felt compelled to share my thoughts on the Subject!
We are sympathetic when we read of people in third world countries surviving on a cup of rice a day (if the aid agencies are able to reach them in time ) when drought and famine wipe out their cattle and crops. Indeed we are fortunate here in the West that we are not faced with these life-threatening crises on a daily basis and indeed for an entire lifetime on this planet. However, if you are a conscious person and in tune with your natural surroundings, you do not have to be told that Nature is on the move for one reason or another with an agenda to restore the balance and level the playing field by unleashing 'weather events' which are testing our communities to the max all over the planet.
It goes without saying when hurricanes and other natural disasters arise they can result in food shortages that last for extended periods depending on the population numbers directly impacted and the resultant shortages experienced by the remainder of the population. No wonder the first instinct of many people is to beg, steal or borrow to feed their families in times when disaster strikes where they have failed to prepare in advance for such food shortages.
These are now not 'one in one hundred year' events but occurring almost daily in some part of the world or another in the form of drought, dust-storms, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions! Tune in to CNN or World News daily to document these occurrences. They are real and they are on the increase.
"The U.S.A. And many western countries may be sitting on the edge of the worst food crisis in this century. It's all over the news: soils are degrading, crops are being scorched by waves of heat, and economic misjudgment is causing food prices to skyrocket all over the world. And when the food crisis strikes, statistics show that one out of four Americans will be suffering from hunger and malnutrition symptoms (weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, ulcers).
There is nothing more terrifying in this world than seeing your loved ones suffering right under your eyes... and feeling completely useless because there`s nothing you can do about it. The tragedy has already taken place in over 12 States of the U.S.A., where food shortages have left people with nothing to eat for days and even weeks. This year, the crisis started spreading all over the country and there`s no town will be spared... not even yours!"
Now I have to say this struck a chord with me and I felt compelled to share my thoughts on the Subject!
We are sympathetic when we read of people in third world countries surviving on a cup of rice a day (if the aid agencies are able to reach them in time ) when drought and famine wipe out their cattle and crops. Indeed we are fortunate here in the West that we are not faced with these life-threatening crises on a daily basis and indeed for an entire lifetime on this planet. However, if you are a conscious person and in tune with your natural surroundings, you do not have to be told that Nature is on the move for one reason or another with an agenda to restore the balance and level the playing field by unleashing 'weather events' which are testing our communities to the max all over the planet.
It goes without saying when hurricanes and other natural disasters arise they can result in food shortages that last for extended periods depending on the population numbers directly impacted and the resultant shortages experienced by the remainder of the population. No wonder the first instinct of many people is to beg, steal or borrow to feed their families in times when disaster strikes where they have failed to prepare in advance for such food shortages.
These are now not 'one in one hundred year' events but occurring almost daily in some part of the world or another in the form of drought, dust-storms, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions! Tune in to CNN or World News daily to document these occurrences. They are real and they are on the increase.
As we witnessed recently, the hurricane threat to the huge population of the New York area alone and the consequent disruption to power sources of a Category 1 Hurricane (the lowest category), imagine what will happen when a Category 2, 3, 4 or higher occurs, and I have little doubt that it will. Remember not long before we, here in Australia, experienced a Category 5-7 Hurricane in Queensland and thanks to early warning and preparation (as took place in New York recently) there was no loss of life. This event also was accompanied by minor earth tremors as was the event in New York.
Just the thought of the glass that would explode from all those high-rise buildings alone is enought to strike fear into you. Imagine the outcome if it should be accompanied by an earthquake which de-stablised the buildings themselves. This could result in a Natural Disaster equivalent to 911 or even greater. You only need to look at the damage and loss of life that occurred in Christchurch, New Zealand this year resulting from a earthquake alone with a relatively small population (another warning and food for thought)?
This may sound like 'doom and gloom' but Nature does its best to warn and prepare us if we have a mind to pick up the message! Category 1 was as low as it can get, but how would you fare in a Category 5-7!
In the past Nature has protected us to a large extent by releasing these changes in the earth's surface in deserts and oceans and remote areas with little or no population. We also see them occuring in Third World countries where people live with poverty and death on a daily basis and so are resigned to some extent and more accepting in their philosophy and outlook. They are so much more attuned to Nature and the Seasons than we are in the West. Consequently the disasters that may confront them and threaten their very existence are foremost in their minds each and every day. They not only accept the bad times, they pull together to survive them and, more importantly, they are grateful for the 'good times' when they can feed their families and livestock.
When did you last express gratitude for the soil, plant, animal, primary producer (farmer and farm worker), transportation , food preparation and food outlets that bring your food to your table each day? Be real now! We take a lot for granted, let's face it. But things are changing!
Where we have been insulated from these problems in the West, our economies are failing due arguably to the ego, greed and corruption of the "One Percent". Can we expect the experience of the Third World to start to become our experience.? But hang on, don't forget who was content to hand over the power to the few and accept the 'good times' without too much thought or responsibility in the decisions. We are all guilty of that, myself included! However I like to think I recognise these imbalances and am prepared to accept the conse quences of my actions or inaction.
I feel we in the West are in a time of social upheaval, economic accountability and resultant spiritual growth spurred on by natural disasters which will level the playing field, bring us back to basics and a more natural co-existence with the inhabitants of this planet.
Let's face it the only way governments will stop focusing on power struggles, border fights, spending billions on financing war and fostering war over oil and other precious commodities, is for natural disasters to bring the focus back to our own backyard and the fight for daily survival. We need to take back our power and spend our days working with Nature, not rapeing and despoiling it, to produce our daily food and put our energies back into the land and the animals that support our existence if we are to prevail.
After all it is true to say that the populations on this Good Earth are huge and growing and cannot be supported in the current lifestyle of the West. You can see the huge populations in China, India, Indonesia and Islamic countries are now demanding 'middle class' status and expect to share the experience we have so long enjoyed in the West. After al
Just the thought of the glass that would explode from all those high-rise buildings alone is enought to strike fear into you. Imagine the outcome if it should be accompanied by an earthquake which de-stablised the buildings themselves. This could result in a Natural Disaster equivalent to 911 or even greater. You only need to look at the damage and loss of life that occurred in Christchurch, New Zealand this year resulting from a earthquake alone with a relatively small population (another warning and food for thought)?
This may sound like 'doom and gloom' but Nature does its best to warn and prepare us if we have a mind to pick up the message! Category 1 was as low as it can get, but how would you fare in a Category 5-7!
In the past Nature has protected us to a large extent by releasing these changes in the earth's surface in deserts and oceans and remote areas with little or no population. We also see them occuring in Third World countries where people live with poverty and death on a daily basis and so are resigned to some extent and more accepting in their philosophy and outlook. They are so much more attuned to Nature and the Seasons than we are in the West. Consequently the disasters that may confront them and threaten their very existence are foremost in their minds each and every day. They not only accept the bad times, they pull together to survive them and, more importantly, they are grateful for the 'good times' when they can feed their families and livestock.
When did you last express gratitude for the soil, plant, animal, primary producer (farmer and farm worker), transportation , food preparation and food outlets that bring your food to your table each day? Be real now! We take a lot for granted, let's face it. But things are changing!
Where we have been insulated from these problems in the West, our economies are failing due arguably to the ego, greed and corruption of the "One Percent". Can we expect the experience of the Third World to start to become our experience.? But hang on, don't forget who was content to hand over the power to the few and accept the 'good times' without too much thought or responsibility in the decisions. We are all guilty of that, myself included! However I like to think I recognise these imbalances and am prepared to accept the conse quences of my actions or inaction.
I feel we in the West are in a time of social upheaval, economic accountability and resultant spiritual growth spurred on by natural disasters which will level the playing field, bring us back to basics and a more natural co-existence with the inhabitants of this planet.
Let's face it the only way governments will stop focusing on power struggles, border fights, spending billions on financing war and fostering war over oil and other precious commodities, is for natural disasters to bring the focus back to our own backyard and the fight for daily survival. We need to take back our power and spend our days working with Nature, not rapeing and despoiling it, to produce our daily food and put our energies back into the land and the animals that support our existence if we are to prevail.
After all it is true to say that the populations on this Good Earth are huge and growing and cannot be supported in the current lifestyle of the West. You can see the huge populations in China, India, Indonesia and Islamic countries are now demanding 'middle class' status and expect to share the experience we have so long enjoyed in the West. After al
In the past Nature has protected us to a large extent by releasing these changes in the earth's surface in deserts and oceans and remote areas with little or no population. We also see them occuring in Third World countries where people live with poverty and death on a daily basis and so are resigned to some extent and more accepting in their philosophy and outlook. They are so much more attuned to Nature and the Seasons than we are in the West. Consequently the disasters that may confront them and threaten their very existence are foremost in their minds each and every day. They not only accept the bad times, they pull together to survive them and, more importantly, they are grateful for the 'good times' when they can feed their families and livestock.
When did you last express gratitude for the soil, plant, animal, primary producer (farmer and farm worker), transportation , food preparation and food outlets that bring your food to your table each day? Be real now! We take a lot for granted, let's face it. But things are changing!
Where we have been insulated from these problems in the West, our economies are failing due arguably to the ego, greed and corruption of the "One Percent". Can we expect the experience of the Third World to start to become our experience.? But hang on, don't forget who was content to hand over the power to the few and accept the 'good times' without too much thought or responsibility in the decisions. We are all guilty of that, myself included! However I like to think I recognise these imbalances and am prepared to accept the conse quences of my actions or inaction.
I feel we in the West are in a time of social upheaval, economic accountability and resultant spiritual growth spurred on by natural disasters which will level the playing field, bring us back to basics and a more natural co-existence with the inhabitants of this planet.
Let's face it the only way governments will stop focusing on power struggles, border fights, spending billions on financing war and fostering war over oil and other precious commodities, is for natural disasters to bring the focus back to our own backyard and the fight for daily survival. We need to take back our power and spend our days working with Nature, not rapeing and despoiling it, to produce our daily food and put our energies back into the land and the animals that support our existence if we are to prevail.
After all it is true to say that the populations on this Good Earth are huge and growing and cannot be supported in the current lifestyle of the West. You can see the huge populations in China, India, Indonesia and Islamic countries are now demanding 'middle class' status and expect to share the experience we have so long enjoyed in the West. After all we exported Western Democracy to them, they tasted the freedom and is it any wonder they want it for themselves!
So is this a 'wake-up' call? Yes, I believe so. Time to BE 'conscious' and take in the global situation and the future that awaits us if we do not take action now and I mean a lot of action and a lot of changes beginning with our own outlook and what we should and should not do to develop a 'global responsibility' starting in our own homes and our own backyards. That is where it needs to begin. Our governments and power brokers do not have the answers, we do! We need to remember our 'basic instincts for survival' and we do have them! Unfortunately it is human nature to not use them unless we have to!
Well I think there is so much more to be said on the subject, however I will close it there for today and await your thoughts and your comments! To A Safer And Wholesome Future Attuned To Nature, In other words 'Let's Get Back to Basics'
About the Author:
When did you last express gratitude for the soil, plant, animal, primary producer (farmer and farm worker), transportation , food preparation and food outlets that bring your food to your table each day? Be real now! We take a lot for granted, let's face it. But things are changing!
Where we have been insulated from these problems in the West, our economies are failing due arguably to the ego, greed and corruption of the "One Percent". Can we expect the experience of the Third World to start to become our experience.? But hang on, don't forget who was content to hand over the power to the few and accept the 'good times' without too much thought or responsibility in the decisions. We are all guilty of that, myself included! However I like to think I recognise these imbalances and am prepared to accept the conse quences of my actions or inaction.
I feel we in the West are in a time of social upheaval, economic accountability and resultant spiritual growth spurred on by natural disasters which will level the playing field, bring us back to basics and a more natural co-existence with the inhabitants of this planet.
Let's face it the only way governments will stop focusing on power struggles, border fights, spending billions on financing war and fostering war over oil and other precious commodities, is for natural disasters to bring the focus back to our own backyard and the fight for daily survival. We need to take back our power and spend our days working with Nature, not rapeing and despoiling it, to produce our daily food and put our energies back into the land and the animals that support our existence if we are to prevail.
After all it is true to say that the populations on this Good Earth are huge and growing and cannot be supported in the current lifestyle of the West. You can see the huge populations in China, India, Indonesia and Islamic countries are now demanding 'middle class' status and expect to share the experience we have so long enjoyed in the West. After all we exported Western Democracy to them, they tasted the freedom and is it any wonder they want it for themselves!
So is this a 'wake-up' call? Yes, I believe so. Time to BE 'conscious' and take in the global situation and the future that awaits us if we do not take action now and I mean a lot of action and a lot of changes beginning with our own outlook and what we should and should not do to develop a 'global responsibility' starting in our own homes and our own backyards. That is where it needs to begin. Our governments and power brokers do not have the answers, we do! We need to remember our 'basic instincts for survival' and we do have them! Unfortunately it is human nature to not use them unless we have to!
Well I think there is so much more to be said on the subject, however I will close it there for today and await your thoughts and your comments! To A Safer And Wholesome Future Attuned To Nature, In other words 'Let's Get Back to Basics'
About the Author:
Visit the website of the one who inspired this article, Pamela Donohoe .You will find lots of discussion and a number of eBooks to download to help you, and survive any food crisis.. This article, How To Survive The Coming Food Crises has free reprint rights.